Preparing for Fitness Goals in the New Year

Beverly K. Johnson
4 min readDec 7, 2021
Luis Quintero

The new year is right around the corner so if you want to optimize your progress and smash your new goals before the new year even started, keep reading this as we give you our best tips to get you through to your goals.

Plan Ahead

If you think about it, fitness is quite predictable, especially if you have a specific, well-thought-out plan of action.

So, before you rush into doing the things you have to do to improve physically and mentally, you have to, well, know what you’re doing!

Think about the end results you want to achieve in the upcoming year and build your plan accordingly.

Planning ahead includes identifying your goals. What do you want to accomplish? One tool that is effective in planning your goals is to use the SMART planning tool.

To make sure your goals are clear and reachable, each one should be:

Specific (simple, sensible, significant).

Measurable (meaningful, motivating).

Achievable (agreed, attainable).

Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).

Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).[1]

For example: Sherri wants to lose 15 pounds for her high school reunion in May.

S- the goal is 15 pounds;

M- Sherri has set a goal with a timeframe that will keep her motivated;

A- The goal is achievable and can be broken down into monthly goals;

R- The goal is realistic, and the results can be measured; and

T- Sherry has given herself 3 months to lose weight, a time based goal.

[1] “How to Make Your Goals Achievable”,

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Find Quality Food Sources

In the fitness world, it’s all about quality over quantity so if you plan on achieving a great physique and fitness goals in the next year, your nutrition should be of top priority.

You can’t out train bad nutrition. The foundation of your success will be your meals

Do you want to adopt a healthy diet but aren’t sure where to start? As you consider the parade of healthy diets in magazines and cookbooks, make sure to look for one that:

· Includes a variety of foods from the major food groups: fruits; vegetables; whole grains; low-fat dairy products and lean protein, including beans and other legumes, nuts and seeds; and healthy fats

· Provides guidelines for how much food to choose from each group

· Includes foods you can find in your local grocery store — rather than specialty or gourmet store items

· Fits your tastes, lifestyle and budget[1]

[1] “Nutrition and healthy eating”,

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

Get A Training Buddy

Odds are that at least one of your closest friends has also set fitness goals, meaning that, well you have someone like-minded close to you!

Share your resolutions with friends and get yourself a training buddy!

In doing so, you can open ground for accountability and exchange of information about training and nutrition.

Last but not least, sharing healthy habits with a close friend can create a strong bond that lasts a lifetime!

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Start A New Activity

Fitness training and good nutrition are just two fundamentals for your new year’s resolutions.

The next chapter of your fitness starts when you realize how much more than that you can do with your body and mind.

In the new year, choose a new, fun activity to engage in and stay consistent with!

Feel the joy of using your body for a variety of activities — Training isn’t just weights and cardio!

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

The time has come to make a new year’s fitness goals. The question is, what are you going to do for your health this year?

For many people, it’s easy because they already have an idea of where their challenges lie and the changes, they need to make in order to get healthier.

But if that doesn’t apply to you then don’t worry!

If you’ve never set foot into a gym before or barely know anything about any kind of exercise routine, reach out and we’ll get you started on your goals!

Beverly K. Johnson is a health and wellness coach who partners with her clients to develop strategies to demolish old habits and embrace a healthy, whole lifestyle. Ms. Johnson is a personal trainer and nutrition coach with over a decade of experience in the fitness industry. Ms. Johnson has specialties in nutrition coaching, senior aging fitness, and dance fitness.

Genesys Fitness (GenFit) is a community of women who recognize the need to reclaim their lives and are emotionally ready to do the work. GenFit believes self-care takes priority over caring for others because it is in caring for ourselves that we make the best caregivers.

In addition to being an Army veteran, Ms. Johnson holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Alabama A&M University and a master’s degree in Management with a concentration in HR Management from Florida Institute of Technology. She currently resides in Huntsville, Alabama.



Beverly K. Johnson

Ms. Johnson is an elite trainer and nutrition coach with over a decade of experience in the fitness industry.